Friday 20 November 2009

Massive Attack. Angel

This is a scene from a 1932 film, "Vampyr" that I thought fit nicely with Massive Attack's song, "Angel." FAN VIDEO by Enduserundead. When i watched this video by Massive attack i didn't understand what the video at all, from a guy lying in the coffin with his eyes open and this old man putting the lid on top of the coffin. then there was this old man smoking a cigar and behind him was these 3 black shadows which i thought was death. the guy that was in the coffin could see everything when people were taking him away to be buried. after he was buried an old man started digging him up, another man saw him and started to help him after the got to the coffin they had taken the top of and he was a skeleton.
i think the man in the coffin suffered cataplexy. (Cataplexy manifests itself as muscular weakness which may range from a barely perceptible slackening of the facial muscles to the dropping of the jaw or head, weakness at the knees, or a total collapse. Usually the speech is slurred, vision is impaired (double vision, inability to focus), but hearing and awareness remain normal. These attacks are triggered by strong emotions such as exhilaration, anger, fear, surprise, orgasm, embarrassment, and laughter. Cataplexy may be partial or complete, affecting a range of muscle groups, from those controlling facial features to (less commonly) those controlling the entire body.)
i like how they chose to do the video in black and white to make it old fashioned.

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